21st Salon of Architecture Novi Sad: Call for Submissions

pre 7 godina

The 21st Salon of Architecture Novi Sad will be opened on Septemeber 29, 2018 at 19h, in Macut Gallery in Spens complex, Novi Sad.


DaNS – Association of Novi Sad Architects is launching the open call for submissions to the 21st Salon of Architecture Novi Sad, which will take place from the 29th of September until the 6th of October 2018.

This year’s Salon will follow the concept which was mapped out during its previous edition in 2016, when the focus was incorporating the international orientation in the very identity of the Salon, more specifically the one which concerns our closest surroundings and common cultural space. Therefore, participants with works from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Hungary and Romania are equal competitors for the Salon’s prizes. The Salon of Architecture Novi Sad wishes to present the current state of the architectural practice of the region which has been determined in this way, so as to create better conditions for the comparison of the current state of architecture developed in local scenes which often rests on common heritage. The results of these scenes have been different for a long period of time, but that is exactly why it is important and necessary to nurture the place of their continued encounter and evaluation which is the Salon of Architecture Novi Sad.


The Salon of Architecture is international. Participants from the following countries are eligible to submit their entries: Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Hungary and Romania.

Competitors are asked to submit their proposals in the following categories:

  1. Architecture
  2. Urban Design
  3. Interior Design
  4. Competition Entry
  5. Student Work
  6. Publications
  7. Digital Space
  8. Experiment in Architecture

In the Digital Space category we welcome entries from CGI design (architectural visualizations, animations and game design), parametric design, digital fabrication, generative and interactive design, etc.

As for the category Experiment in Architecture, it may include stage design, installations, ephemeral architecture and similar projects.

One application can contain only one proposal, submitted in only one category.

Proposals, either projects or realizations, must be no more than 3 years old.

Application forms can be submitted in Serbian or English.

In order to promote good architectural practice in Vojvodina, a special honorable acknowledgement will be awarded to a project realized in this territory.

Submission and exhibition dates

Call announcement: July 23rd 2018.
Deadline for submitting entries for pre-selection (electronically): September 1st2018  September 7th2018.
Announcement of the selected entries: September 12th2018 September 17th2018.
Deadline for submitting exhibitions sheets and catalogue material (electronically): September 20th2018 September 23rd2018.
Opening of the Salon and the awards ceremony: September 29th2018.


Dejan Todorović (NOOTO, Belgrade)
Srđan Jovanović Weiss (CUNY Spitzer School of Architecture, New York)
Mika Cimolini (MAO Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana)
Jasmin Sirčo (Days of Architecture Sarajevo)
Ana Mrđa (Faculty of Architecture/Croatian Architects Association, Zagreb)

Application fee

Only those entries that pass the pre-selection and are chosen to be exhibited will be asked to pay the fee. The fee covers the printing of the exhibition sheets, their exhibition at the Salon and one copy of the Salon catalogue, which will be published after the Salon.

The fee rates:

35 EUR – for all participants except:
15 EUR – for students
0 EUR – for participants in the Publications category, who will deliver a copy of their publication instead of paying the application fee.

Payment details:

Erste bank a.d. Novi Sad
IBAN: RS35340000001101446764
Beneficiary: Društvo arhitekata Novog Sada
Address:  Svetozara Miletića 20,  21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Bank address: Erste bank a.d., Bulevar Oslobodjenja 5, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Bank swift: GIBAATWG

Technical information for entries submission (for the pre-selection phase):

For each entry, a separate application, with a filled-in application form and project material, should be sent to:

  1. The application form can be found here.
    Application form must be in .DOC or .DOCX extension, titled in the following way:
    applicationNo refers to the number of the entry, in case an author sends more than one proposal.
  1. Entry material with the following information, packed in a single file (.ZIP or .RAR), titled:
    This package should include:
    – max 10 drawings which best illustrate the project (plans, sections, diagrams, photographs, renderings,etc.) in .JPG or .PDF
    – project description of max 2000 characters (including spaces)
    – if authors wish to present a video or any other large file, please send a link for online viewing.

Authors whose entries are selected for the exhibition at the Salon will be notified regarding the instructions for preparing the sheets for the exhibition and paying the application fee.


Application Form